Linear Transformation

2023. 1. 3. 23:08BOOTCAMP/boostcamp AI Tech Pre-Course


  • A transformation, function, or mapping, T maps an input x to an output y
    • Mathematical notation: T: x -> y
  • Domain: Set of all the possible values of x (정의역)
  • Co-domain: Set of all the possible values of y (공역)
  • Image: a mapped output y, given x
  • Range: Set of all the output values mapped by each x in the domain (치역)
  • Note: the output mapped by a particular x is uniquely determined.

Linear Transformation

  • Definition: A transformation (or mapping) T is linear if: I. T(cu + dv) = cT(u) + dT(v) for all u, v in the domain of T and for all scalars c and d
  • Simple example: T: x -> y, T(x) = y = 3x

Linear Transformation in Neural Networks

  • Fully-connected layers (linear layer)
  • Example: Image with 4 pixels and 3 classes (cat/dog/ship)